P3RC3PTS / 5.0 is a digital exploration of my work on Percepts. Programming languages like Processing allow me to create algorithms that simulate their propagation in given forms; the use of html and java are useful for the online presentation of animated or interactive programs, and artificial intelligences specialized in code are a prodigious means of acquiring a creative independence that was totally inaccessible until now.
R3CIFS / 5.0
R3CIFS / 5.0 is the digital version of the first Percept “Reefs”. This Percept is inspired by the way coral spreads, subdivides and spreads out to capture what it needs to survive. By using mathematical models, I try to integrate a pseudo-chaotic dimension into my pictorial production, a mode of drawing that seems haphazard but nevertheless has an underlying logic, like those found in many natural forms.
To make it fun, I’ve come up with six CR34TUR3S with simple shapes: BON, ROB, MOS, ZIM, FET and KAT. These small entities are each inhabited by the Percept and become a new language, a new source of combinations, like the first living beings from the origins of life.