Through my research, by arranging
lines and colors in new orders, exploring the structure of subjects through drawing, confronting them with forms that produce meaning, Itry to make possible universes perceptible.
It is in this spirit that I revisit the notion of Percept, a term borrowed from Gilles Deleuze, French philosopher and art theorist, in a very simple way: as chemical formulas or visual algorithms.
This Percept is composed of mostly triangular geometric shapes. Their juxtaposition evokes the tessellation principle used to represent surfaces in 3D, creating illusions of volume.
The color range extends from matte black to white. triangles are outlined with thin white lines. On woodcuts, the medium-gray color is achieved with a slate-gray iridescent paint.
This Percept is composed of shapes evoking lush, mysterious vegetation in which beings hide. Gold creeps from the edges to the heart of the compositions.
The range of colors covers many shades of green, and series of yellow dots punctuate the foliage.
This Percept is made up of dots of different sizes linked by lines of different thicknesses and lengths. The creative process is algorithmic.
Through BLAAAK, I explore the poetry that animates certain mathematical mysteries, such as the number Pi and its sequence of decimals, or the arrangement of stars in the universe, and its incredible diversity of arrangements. BLAAAK was associated with the Shyfrin Alliance album UPSIDE DOWN BLUES, particularly the track The Cage.
1, rue du Cambodge – 75020 Paris
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